Saturday, December 31, 2011

Chill with the Resolutions, Bro


Today is December 31, 2011. The last day of the year. The day that most people reflect on the past year's events, triumphs, successes, losses, etc. The day that most people make a list of what to improve on or change in their life. And the dreadful day that people pull ideas out of their arse and make resolutions.

Well, not this chick. I think resolutions set you up for failure. Resolutions are usually too high of a goal(s) and are too much pressure. Think about it. The most common resolution is to eat healthier and lose weight. You start off the new year not eating fast food, cooking healthy meals and exercising. Then slowly but surely you start slacking off. A late night snack. Skipping a day at the gym. Indulging. Then you step on the scale and EEK! You haven't lost any weight. God forbid you've gained pounds! Now you're disappointed in yourself. All because you set a new year's resolution and failed. Miss me on all that.

So I just promise to BE A BETTER ME in 2012.

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